

The Open Telekom Cloud: European cloud with a comprehensive portfolio

The Open Telekom Cloud is based on OpenStack, the most widely deployed open-source cloud software in the world. Our mission is to provide the best-in-class open-source solutions for all required functions, avoiding vendor lock-ins and enabling users to take back control of programs and data at any point in time. To manage gigabytes and petabytes of science data from various storage, distributed data management and data preservation services are made available.

Since 2016, the Open Telekom Cloud has been connected to the GÉANT e-Infrastructure. Scientists connected to the National Research Network can establish cloud services with sustainable 10G speeds and very low latencies of less than 25ms across Europe. Users can access the Open Telekom Cloud through their eduGAIN and Elixir home identity providers. Metadata attributes can be mapped to e.g. support existing user group configurations.

Open Telekom Cloud is certified for data privacy, security and reliability of the highest standards.

T-Systems is available to Research and Education in these countries

Ready to Go?

Before institutions can take advantage of the GÉANT 2020 Cloud Framework by OCRE, they need to be verified by their local NREN. Please complete the verification form.

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