Support for Institutions

Thanks to a unique pan-European collaboration, 36 NRENs offer a range of attractive Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing solutions, tailor-made, and priced, for academia. This cloud framework is based on the first digital single market for cloud services, established by European association GÉANT. In GÉANT, the European NRENs collaborate to make clouds accessible, safe and easy to use. GÉANT conducted a pan-European call-for-competition (tender), with GÉANT acting as central purchasing body on behalf of the NRENs and their member institutions

Which services are available?

Services provided by the leading global cloud vendors like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and a range of other infrastructure providers. Please visit the catalogue for more information on IaaS vendors in the GÉANT Cloud catalogue and the Preferential Quotation Fact Sheet.

Why should you use the cloud framework?

Quite simply to save money and time. There are discounted prices available, which apply to all institutions, large and small. Institutions already using cloud services have achieved cost savings of up to 30%, after moving to the framework contracts. The ready-to-use agreements comply with EU data protection law and were established using the EC 2014/24/EU procurement directive, which allows you to use the services directly, without running your own tender / call-for-competition.

Billing and purchasing models were designed to match financial structures in research and education institutions so that you can manage usage and control spending.  In addition there is a range of additional benefits;

  • Network traffic costs are significantly lower thanks to connecting the suppliers to the NREN’s high-performance data network.
  • End-users can login using their institutional account, through single sign-on with SAML2 support.

Already in the cloud?

Many vendors allow existing educational licensing arrangements to be transferred (Bring Your Own License).

How have we achieved the special conditions of use?

The GÉANT cloud framework is based on the first digital single market for cloud services, established by European association GÉANT. In GÉANT, the European National Research and Education Networks collaborate to make clouds accessible, safe and easy to use. GÉANT conducted a pan-European call-for-competition (tender) for 36 countries, with GÉANT acting as central purchasing body on behalf of the NRENs and their member institutions.

How can you use the services?

All you need to do is to pick and choose the services you need from the GÉANT cloud catalogue. You can download the required procurement documents and supporting information, including a ready-to-use call-off agreement, to sign a contract with each selected provider under local law. If you have additional requirements not covered by the framework, you do not need to manage a full tender. You can run a 'Mini-Competition' and ask additional questions to the suppliers in the framework. Select the winner(s) and add additional clauses to the call-off agreement provided. We can assist you in this process. Some framework agreements are valid until year-end 2024.

Bottom line: the framework offerings remove obstacles such as data privacy, contracting, billing and technical integration. This means your institution does not need to invest time and resources on complex procurement.

We can help you move your workloads to the cloud by providing your institution with direct access to the GÉANT Framework cloud catalogue and contracts. For support and information please contact your in-country NREN representative or contact us.

Please note: All framework documents are provided on a confidential basis and should not be shared outside the appropriate staff in your institution.

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Need help?

Resource Library

What services are available?

GÉANT Cloud Catalogue

Preferential Quotation Fact Sheet

GEANT Cloud Data Classification Tool

What can I do with cloud services?

Success Stories: GÉANT Cloud Services in Conjunction with OCRE


The GÉANT Clouds Team publishes a regular clouds newsletter, including useful links, case studies, interviews, showcases, workshops, and much more.

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