The GÉANT GN5-1 project Above-the-Net Services Incubator, operating under the umbrella of the Above-the-Net Services Work Package (WP4), is excited to announce the award of its second call to ACOmarket (via ACOnet) and SUNET for the development of two innovative digital services. Evaluated based on criteria of potential impact, innovation, and sustainability, and limited to participation of GN5-1 project partners, the two selected projects will receive 8 Person Months (PMs) each for the development of digital services in support of research and education, and for potential inclusion into the GÉANT community’s portfolio of above-the-net services. Service developments are now set to follow four-months sprints throughout 2024, with kick-offs...
Tag - GN5-1
The GÉANT GN5-1 WP4 incubator is looking for ideas for new digital services in support of European research and education. Through the incubator, the GN5-1 project is offering to its participants manpower to develop service Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs), aimed at a possible inclusion into the GÉANT community’s portfolio of above-the-net services. The PoCs could be something completely new or add functionality to existing services. The incubator ultimately aims to reduce risks associated to the development of innovative ideas before committing resources on the level of a project task or GÉANT service. ACT NOW! The call opened on 1 August 2023 and will close for proposals on 15 September 2023. This gives interested parties 1 ½ month to complete...
On 9 and 10 May 2023, the first All-Hands meeting of the GÉANT GN5-1 Work Package (WP4) focusing on Above-the-Net services took place in the charming neighbourhood of Charlottenburg, in Berlin. Project participants, representing NRENs from all across Europe, came together to introduce their activities, discuss their plans, and identify synergies across the different tasks. Organised by WP4 and hosted by the German NREN DFN, the meeting kicked off with an opening address by Work Package leaders Jakob Tendel (DFN) and Maria Ristkok (EENet), who presented the overall context of the GN5-1 project and its core action areas, together with the specific objectives and timeline of WP4. Following initial warm-up activities, different task leaders...