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AWS and Azure Technical Training for European Institutions

The SURF offices in Utrecht were abuzz with activity for the parallel Azure and AWS technical workshops that took place on 4-5 September 2018. In attendance were 33 registered participants, five instructors from both vendors, as well as two GÉANT cloud team members, Andres Steijaert and Maria Ristkok. Even the visiting service canine was exhausted by the wealth of material!

The feedback rated the content and workshop framework a resounding success –both from the participants’ and the instructors’ perspectives. Instructors expressed their willingness to do more of these workshops and were impressed by the opportunities to help advance participants’ cloud skills as well as other topics, such as workshops for IT directors and CIOs, necessary organisational change and other less technical subjects related to cloud adoption and migration.

The participants appreciated the opportunity to meet the colleagues from other universities and institutions from across Europe and to share and exchange knowledge. Looking ahead, they expressed a desire for more similar hands-on and deep dive technical workshops for both Azure and AWS, with concrete use cases, as well as labs, webinars, handbooks and other formats (videos, online). Several expressed the need to explore the potential for specialized training, such as AV, AI, sysadmin and devops.

Stay tuned for more cloud training news from the GÉANT cloud team.


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