
Learning Management Systems: Tender Documentation Available for NRENs

Learning Management System (LMS) word cloud business concept

For countries who wish to offer Learning Management Systems (LMS) via national tenders, the GÉANT cloud team has prepared a tender template bundle to save NRENs time and resources.

The pre-packaged tender bundle consists of a Request for Tender (RFT) document, a Framework agreement and Call-off agreement. These documents are available for NREN cloud contacts in the GÉANT Intranet Document Repository. (Federated login required. Search track from center: Cloud Services Offerings/Learning Management Systems tender documents)

This tender bundle was prepared instead of the previously planned pan-European tender, based on analysis of the September 2019 survey gauging NREN interest. This survey showed that projected spend on services was too low to justify the expense of running and operating a GÉANT-level framework, especially in countries that could consume directly from the framework, i.e. subject to the Directive. This tender bundle for NRENs, or groups of NRENs, was deemed the most suitable and efficient option.

The prepared templates allow NRENs to add whatever local nuances and conditions needed to their LMS procurement.

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