2020 IaaS+ Framework Providers

The 2020 IaaS+ Framework, also known as OCRE 2020, lasted from 1 December 2020 until 30 November 2024. For the list of service providers selected as part of the OCRE 2024 Framework (valid from 3 February 2025 until 2030), please visit https://clouds.geant.org/2024iaasplusframeworkproviders/

Albania CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Albania CloudSigma AG
Albania Consorzio per il Sistema Informativo (CSI Piemonte)
Albania Rackspace International GmbH
Albania Setcor d.o.o.
Albania SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Albania SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling IBM)
Albania SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Albania Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Albania VSHN AG
Armenia CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Armenia CloudSigma AG
Armenia Consorzio per il Sistema Informativo (CSI Piemonte)
Armenia Rackspace International GmbH
Armenia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Armenia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling IBM)
Armenia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Armenia Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Armenia VSHN AG
Austria A1 Telekom Austria AG
Austria Bechtle AG (reselling Azure)
Austria Bechtle AG (reselling Ionos)
Austria Blue Safespring AB
Austria CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Austria CloudSigma AG
Austria Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Austria Rackspace International GmbH
Austria Robotron Datenbank-Software GmbH
Austria Setcor d.o.o.
Austria SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling IBM)
Austria Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Austria T-Systems International GmbH
Belgium Bechtle AG (reselling Azure)
Belgium Bechtle AG (reselling Ionos)
Belgium Blue Safespring AB
Belgium CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Belgium CloudSigma AG
Belgium Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Belgium Quistor Enterprises B.V.
Belgium Rackspace International GmbH
Belgium Setcor d.o.o.
Belgium SoftwareONE B.V.
Belgium Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Belgium T-Systems International GmbH
Belgium VSHN AG
Bulgaria AppXite SIA
Bulgaria Blue Safespring AB
Bulgaria CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Bulgaria CloudSigma AG
Bulgaria Consorzio per il Sistema Informativo (CSI Piemonte)
Bulgaria Rackspace International GmbH
Bulgaria Setcor d.o.o.
Bulgaria SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Bulgaria SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Bulgaria Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Bulgaria T-Systems International GmbH
Bulgaria VSHN AG
Croatia AppXite SIA
Croatia Blue Safespring AB
Croatia CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Croatia CloudSigma AG
Croatia Consorzio per il Sistema Informativo (CSI Piemonte)
Croatia NEOS Ltd.
Croatia Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Croatia Rackspace International GmbH
Croatia Setcor d.o.o.
Croatia SoftwareONE B.V.
Croatia Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Croatia T-Systems International GmbH
Croatia VSHN AG
Cyprus AppXite SIA
Cyprus Blue Safespring AB
Cyprus CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Cyprus CloudSigma AG
Cyprus Rackspace International GmbH
Cyprus Setcor d.o.o.
Cyprus SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Cyprus SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Cyprus Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Cyprus T-Systems International GmbH
Cyprus VSHN AG
Czech Republic AppXite SIA
Czech Republic Blue Safespring AB
Czech Republic CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Czech Republic CloudSigma AG
Czech Republic Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Czech Republic Quistor Enterprises B.V.
Czech Republic Rackspace International GmbH
Czech Republic Revolgy Business Solutions s.r.o
Czech Republic Setcor d.o.o.
Czech Republic SoftwareONE B.V.
Czech Republic T-Systems International GmbH
Czech Republic VSHN AG
Denmark AppXite SIA
Denmark Atea Sverige AB
Denmark Blue Safespring AB
Denmark CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Denmark CloudSigma AG
Denmark Computas AS
Denmark Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Denmark Proact Netherlands B.V.
Denmark Rackspace International GmbH
Denmark Sentia Denmark A/S
Denmark SoftwareONE B.V.
Denmark T-Systems International GmbH
Denmark VSHN AG
Estonia AppXite SIA
Estonia Blue Safespring AB
Estonia CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Estonia CloudSigma AG
Estonia Rackspace International GmbH
Estonia Revolgy Business Solutions s.r.o
Estonia Setcor d.o.o.
Estonia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Estonia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Estonia T-Systems International GmbH
Estonia VSHN AG
Finland AppXite SIA
Finland Atea Sverige AB
Finland Blue Safespring AB
Finland CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Finland CloudSigma AG
Finland Computas AS
Finland Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Finland Rackspace International GmbH
Finland SoftwareONE B.V.
Finland T-Systems International GmbH
Finland VSHN AG
France AppXite SIA
France Blue Safespring AB
France CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
France CloudSigma AG
France Flowline Technologies
France Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
France OVH SAS
France Rackspace International GmbH
France Setcor d.o.o.
France SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
France SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
France Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
France T-Systems International GmbH
France VSHN AG
Georgia CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Georgia CloudSigma AG
Georgia Rackspace International GmbH
Georgia Setcor d.o.o.
Georgia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Georgia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling IBM)
Georgia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Georgia Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Georgia VSHN AG
Germany Bechtle AG (reselling Azure)
Germany Bechtle AG (reselling Ionos)
Germany Blue Safespring AB
Germany City Network International AB
Germany Cloud&Heat Technologies GmbH
Germany CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Germany CloudSigma AG
Germany Logicalis GERMANY
Germany Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Germany OVH SAS
Germany Proact Netherlands B.V.
Germany Rackspace International GmbH
Germany Setcor d.o.o.
Germany SoftwareONE B.V.
Germany Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Germany T-Systems International GmbH
Germany VSHN AG
Germany x-ion GmbH
Greece AppXite SIA
Greece Blue Safespring AB
Greece CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Greece CloudSigma AG
Greece Computas AS
Greece Rackspace International GmbH
Greece Setcor d.o.o.
Greece SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Greece SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Greece T-Systems International GmbH
Greece VSHN AG
Hungary AppXite SIA
Hungary Blue Safespring AB
Hungary CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Hungary CloudSigma AG
Hungary Rackspace International GmbH
Hungary Setcor d.o.o.
Hungary SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Hungary SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Hungary Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Hungary T-Systems International GmbH
Hungary VSHN AG
Iceland AppXite SIA
Iceland Blue Safespring AB
Iceland CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Iceland CloudSigma AG
Iceland Computas AS
Iceland Rackspace International GmbH
Iceland SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Iceland SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Iceland T-Systems International GmbH
Iceland VSHN AG
Ireland Bechtle AG
Ireland Blue Safespring AB
Ireland CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Ireland CloudSigma AG
Ireland Logicalis
Ireland Micromail Limited
Ireland Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Ireland Rackspace International GmbH
Ireland Setcor d.o.o.
Ireland SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling IBM)
Ireland Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Ireland T-Systems International GmbH
Ireland VSHN AG
Israel CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Israel CloudSigma AG
Israel Rackspace International GmbH
Israel SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Israel SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling IBM)
Israel SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Israel Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Israel VSHN AG
Italy AppXite SIA
Italy Blue Safespring AB
Italy CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Italy CloudSigma AG
Italy Consorzio per il Sistema Informativo (CSI Piemonte)
Italy Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Italy Quistor Enterprises B.V.
Italy Rackspace International GmbH
Italy Setcor d.o.o.
Italy SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Italy Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Italy T-Systems International GmbH
Lithuania AppXite SIA
Lithuania Blue Safespring AB
Lithuania CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Lithuania CloudSigma AG
Lithuania Rackspace International GmbH
Lithuania Setcor d.o.o.
Lithuania SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Lithuania SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Lithuania Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Lithuania T-Systems International GmbH
Lithuania VSHN AG
Luxembourg Bechtle AG (reselling Azure)
Luxembourg Bechtle AG (reselling Ionos)
Luxembourg Blue Safespring AB
Luxembourg CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Luxembourg CloudSigma AG
Luxembourg Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Luxembourg Rackspace International GmbH
Luxembourg Setcor d.o.o.
Luxembourg SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling IBM)
Luxembourg SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Luxembourg Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Luxembourg T-Systems International GmbH
Luxembourg VSHN AG
North Macedonia A1 Makedonija DOOEL
North Macedonia CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
North Macedonia CloudSigma AG
North Macedonia Computas AS
North Macedonia Consorzio per il Sistema Informativo (CSI Piemonte)
North Macedonia Rackspace International GmbH
North Macedonia Setcor d.o.o.
North Macedonia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
North Macedonia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling IBM)
North Macedonia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Malta AppXite SIA
Malta Blue Safespring AB
Malta CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Malta CloudSigma AG
Malta Rackspace International GmbH
Malta Setcor d.o.o.
Malta SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Malta SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Malta Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Malta T-Systems International GmbH
Moldova CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Moldova CloudSigma AG
Moldova Computas AS
Moldova Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Moldova Rackspace International GmbH
Moldova Setcor d.o.o.
Moldova SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Moldova SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling IBM)
Moldova SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Moldova VSHN AG
Montenegro CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Montenegro CloudSigma AG
Montenegro Rackspace International GmbH
Montenegro Setcor d.o.o.
Montenegro SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Montenegro SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling IBM)
Montenegro SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Montenegro Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Montenegro VSHN AG
Netherlands Bechtle AG (reselling Azure)
Netherlands Bechtle AG (reselling Ionos)
Netherlands Blue Safespring AB
Netherlands CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Netherlands CloudSigma AG
Netherlands Equinix (Netherlands) B.V.
Netherlands Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Netherlands Proact Netherlands B.V.
Netherlands Quistor Enterprises B.V.
Netherlands Rackspace International GmbH
Netherlands Sentia Netherlands B.V.
Netherlands Setcor d.o.o.
Netherlands SoftwareONE B.V.
Netherlands Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Netherlands T-Systems International GmbH
Netherlands Vancis C&MS B.V.
Netherlands VSHN AG
Norway AppXite SIA
Norway Atea Sverige AB
Norway Blue Safespring AB
Norway CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Norway CloudSigma AG
Norway Computas AS
Norway Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Norway Rackspace International GmbH
Norway SoftwareONE B.V.
Norway T-Systems International GmbH
Norway VSHN AG
Poland AppXite SIA
Poland Blue Safespring AB
Poland CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Poland CloudSigma AG
Poland Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Poland Rackspace International GmbH
Poland Setcor d.o.o.
Poland SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Poland SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Poland Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Poland T-Systems International GmbH
Poland VSHN AG
Portugal AppXite SIA
Portugal Blue Safespring AB
Portugal CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Portugal CloudSigma AG
Portugal Rackspace International GmbH
Portugal SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Portugal SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Portugal Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Portugal T-Systems International GmbH
Portugal VSHN AG
Romania AppXite SIA
Romania Blue Safespring AB
Romania CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Romania CloudSigma AG
Romania Computas AS
Romania Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Romania Rackspace International GmbH
Romania Setcor d.o.o.
Romania SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Romania SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Romania T-Systems International GmbH
Romania VSHN AG
Serbia CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Serbia CloudSigma AG
Serbia Comtrade System Integration d.o.o. Beograd
Serbia Consorzio per il Sistema Informativo (CSI Piemonte)
Serbia Rackspace International GmbH
Serbia Revolgy Business Solutions s.r.o
Serbia Setcor d.o.o.
Serbia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Serbia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling IBM)
Serbia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Serbia VSHN AG
Slovakia AppXite SIA
Slovakia Blue Safespring AB
Slovakia CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Slovakia CloudSigma AG
Slovakia Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Slovakia Rackspace International GmbH
Slovakia Setcor d.o.o.
Slovakia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Slovakia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Slovakia Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Slovakia T-Systems International GmbH
Slovakia VSHN AG
Slovenia AppXite SIA
Slovenia Blue Safespring AB
Slovenia CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Slovenia CloudSigma AG
Slovenia Comtrade System Integration d.o.o. Beograd
Slovenia Rackspace International GmbH
Slovenia Setcor d.o.o.
Slovenia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Slovenia SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Slovenia Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Slovenia VSHN AG
Spain Bechtle AG (reselling Azure)
Spain Bechtle AG (reselling Ionos)
Spain Blue Safespring AB
Spain CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Spain CloudSigma AG
Spain Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Spain Quistor Enterprises B.V.
Spain Rackspace International GmbH
Spain Setcor d.o.o.
Spain SoftwareONE B.V.
Spain T-Systems International GmbH
Sweden Atea Sverige AB
Sweden Blue Safespring AB
Sweden City Network International AB
Sweden CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Sweden CloudSigma AG
Sweden Computas AS
Sweden Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Sweden Proact Netherlands B.V.
Sweden Rackspace International GmbH
Sweden Setcor d.o.o.
Sweden SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Sweden SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling IBM)
Sweden T-Systems International GmbH
Sweden VSHN AG
Switzerland Bechtle AG (reselling Azure)
Switzerland Bechtle AG (reselling Ionos)
Switzerland Blue Safespring AB
Switzerland CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Switzerland CloudSigma AG
Switzerland Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
Switzerland Rackspace International GmbH
Switzerland Robotron Datenbank-Software GmbH
Switzerland Setcor d.o.o.
Switzerland SoftwareONE B.V.
Switzerland Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Switzerland T-Systems International GmbH
Switzerland VSHN AG
Turkey CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Turkey CloudSigma AG
Turkey Rackspace International GmbH
Turkey SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Turkey SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling IBM)
Turkey SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Turkey Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Turkey VSHN AG
Ukraine AppXite SIA
Ukraine CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Ukraine CloudSigma AG
Ukraine Rackspace International GmbH
Ukraine Setcor d.o.o.
Ukraine SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Azure)
Ukraine SoftwareONE B.V. (reselling Oracle)
Ukraine Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
Ukraine VSHN AG
United Kingdom 100 Percent IT Ltd
United Kingdom Bechtle AG
United Kingdom Blue Safespring AB
United Kingdom City Network International AB
United Kingdom CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
United Kingdom CloudSigma AG
United Kingdom Jisc Services Ltd
United Kingdom Orange Business Netherlands B.V.
United Kingdom OVH SAS
United Kingdom Phoenix Software Ltd
United Kingdom Proact Netherlands B.V.
United Kingdom Quistor Enterprises B.V.
United Kingdom Setcor d.o.o.
United Kingdom SoftwareONE B.V.
United Kingdom Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
United Kingdom T-Systems International GmbH
United Kingdom VSHN AG
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